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№3 (100) / 2022
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ISSN: 1994-831Х
E-ISSN: 2658-3674

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Scientific peer-reviewed magazine «Transport of the Russian Federation. A magazine of science, economy and practice» is published from October 2005.

The publication is co-founded by:

  • T-Pressa LLC
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University»
  • Russian Transport Academy

Transport of the Russian Federation magazine is designed for executives and leadings specialists of the transport system and related industries, for representatives of Russian Federation's executive and legislative authorities. The magazine is published with support from the Russian Federation Ministry of Transport.
Our aims are to consolidate the efforts of transport industry professionals in solving the current scientific and engineering problems of Russia's transport system, to contribute to solving problems of technical, technological and organisational aspects of transport support for Russia's economy, and to popularise modern methods of production engineering and management, high technologies, state-of-the-art technology and equipment.
The magazine covers the issues of transport legislation, industry investment, development of public-private partnerships, state customs and transit policies, implementation of transport infrastructure projects, introduction of information technologies and ensuring transport safety, professional training of staff.

Publication parameters:

  • Format: A4
  • Printrun: 8,000 copies 
  • Frequency: six issues per year
  • Size: 72-80 pages
  • Printing: full-colour
  • Languages: Russian, English

By the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation №6/6 dated February 19, 2010, the magazine is included in the Register of the leading peer-reviewed scientific magazines and publications in which main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor of Science and Candidate of Science have to be published.

We publish scientific articles for the following nomenclature of academic researcher professional categories:


The magazine is registered with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) of the Scientific Electronic Library.

International ISSN centre assigned number 1994-831 Х to the publication.

A subscription to the magazine can be arranged through the consolidated subscription catalogue Pressa Rossii, or through the magazine's editorial office. 

Editorial board of the magazine

Olerskiy Viktor AleksandrovichCand. Sci. (Eng.), deputy Transport Minister of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia - chairman of the editorial board of the magazine
Okulov Valeriy Mikhaylovichdeputy Transport Minister of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Kelbakh Sergey ValentinovichCand. Sci. (Econ.), Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation professor, chairman of the board of State Company Russian Highways (Avtodor), Moscow, Russia
Neradko Aleksandr VasilyevichFederal Air Transport Agency head, Moscow, Russia
Yefimov Vitaliy Borisovich
Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Transport Professionals Union president, Moscow, Russia
Gapanovich Valentin Aleksandrovichsenior vice president of the Russian Railways JSC, Moscow, Russia
Misharin Aleksandr SergeyevichDr. Sci. (Eng.), Cand. Sci. (Econ.), first vice president of the Russian Railways JSC, director general of the High-Speed Rail Lines JSC, Russian Transport Academy president, Moscow, Russia
Lapidus Boris MoiseyevichDr. Sci. (Econ.), professor, director general of the All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport JSC, Moscow, Russia
Timofeev Oleg Jakovlevichthe chief editor

Editorial team of the magazine

Timofeev Oleg JakovlevichDr. Sci. (Eng), Professor, the chief editor
Sapozhnikov Valeriy VladimirovichDr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Petersburg State Transport University, St Petersburg, Russia, deputy chairman of the editorial team
Belozerov Vladimir LeonidovichDr. Sci. (Econ.), chairman of the track local comittee of the October Railway trade union
Bely Oleg ViktorovichDr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Solomenko Institute of Transport Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg, Russia
Dudkin Yevgeniy PavlovichDr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the Petersburg State Transport University, St Petersburg, Russia
Dunayev Oleg NikolayevichDr. Sci. (Econ.), professor, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Zubarev Yevgeniy VasilyevichDr. Sci. (Eng.), St Petersburg Association of the Passenger Vessel Owners, St Petersburg, Russia
Kiselev Igor PavlovichDr. Sci. (Hist.), Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), associate professor, professor of the Petersburg State Transport University, St Petersburg, Russia
Kostylev Ivan IvanovichDr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St Petersburg, Russia
Kravchenko Pavel AleksandrovichDr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Road Traffic Safety Institute under the Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St Petersburg, Russia
Kuklev Yevgeniy AlekseyevichDr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, St Petersburg State Civil Aviation University, St Petersburg, Russia
Panychev Aleksandr YuryevichCand. Sci. (Econ.), associate professor, Petersburg State Transport University, St Petersburg, Russia
Pimonenko Mikhail MilkhaylovichCand. Sci. (Phys. and Math.), associate professor, Petersburg State Transport University, St Petersburg, Russia
Smurov Mikhail YuryevichDr. Sci. (Econ.), professor, St Petersburg State Civil Aviation University, St Petersburg, Russia
Usanov Boris PavlovichCand. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St Petersburg, Russia
Schneider EckhardtDr.-Ing., professor, Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing IZFP, Saarbrücken, Germany

Magazine sections

  • State and trasport
  • Economy and finances 
  • Science
  • Logistics
  • Transportation
  • IT-technologies
  • Transport objects 
  • Safety 
  • City and transport
  • Staff

Transport of the Russian Federation magazine publication schedule for 2016

Issue №Publication dateIssue theme
1(62)Feb 29, 2016IT technologies for transport. Logistics.
2(63)Apr 29, 2016City and transport
3(64)Jun 30, 2016Modernisation of railway transport
4(65)Aug 31, 2016Maritime and riverine transport 
5(66)Oct 31, 2016Regional programmes for development of the Russian Federtaion transport system
6(67)Dec 28, 2016Civil aviation